Trollo is down

As you may have noticed, the Trollo blog on WordPress has been removed.  It happened without prior warning and the only explanation I found was generic and it was about a ToS breaking.  Unfortunately, I do not have a current copy of the blog and despite the information that I can export a copy of it, it is not possible yet, so I will not create a new page for now.  There is an old blogger page, but it is out of date and for various other reasons I wouldn’t want to run it again.  For the next few days I will be thinking about what to do next and when I decide I will inform you on blogger or patreon.

Also by the time I make a decision, I have removed free access to the content of Google Drive.

9 thoughts on “Trollo is down

  1. death march WN epub in dropbox link are deleted.


    1. Yeah, these files were moved to GD before Kaizoku content was removed


  2. What now? Moving here?


    1. This pandemic make many site go down


  3. What happened? Any news?


    1. Certainly the blog will not come back in the form in which it existed. So far I am wondering which direction to go.


      1. Can you do it like you did before wordpress freaked out? On blogspot and the fan translations on kaizokudoumei.


  4. Ah, back to AsiaNovel then. The only reason why i stop using AsiaNovel because im too lazy to navigate their enormous library.

    Thanks for your hardwork tho. My bank account block online transaction (except online shopping) due shit happen few years ago with online hacking, so i can’t do anything with patron.


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